
Type of AR application (Augmented Reality) can be seen in 30 seconds | 30秒でわかるAR(拡張現実)アプリの種類 #AR

Type of AR application (Augmented Reality) can be seen in 30 seconds

■ What is the technology AR?

It is the art of adding value by as sticky notes attached to the book or PC, and then paste the information in the space objects and Innovation peta, read the information.

■ I will explain a little more detail,

AR (Augmented Reality: Augmented Reality)
Term "refers to the environment itself presented a technique for presenting
additional information is added using a computer to real-world environment, and information" (Wikipedia)

By adding supplement the real world "something", it is not, including technology and
to present more information than reality in front of my eyes, the environment itself
is represented by its technology.

■ Many divided into two types of AR apps

(1) Location type base (position information)
Using location information that can be obtained, eg, from GPS. We display additional information attached to the string, which can be obtained from the location information such as GPS.

Also, I have decided to place in conjunction with (such as depression or elevation of the line of sight) the slope of the sensor and the acceleration (the direction facing the person you are trying to look at the information) orientation by a magnetic sensor, and presents the information.

(2) a vision-based (marker type and marker-less)
Recognition and analysis of the environment directly in front of the application of technologies such as image recognition and spatial awareness The target, and displays the information 3DCG and QR code (marker), by image recognition (marker-less).




AR(Augmented Reality:拡張現実)






Released game app "AKB0048 AR Carddass" which can be played in a live production Bandai cards and smartphone, from 11/10 | カードとスマホでライブ演出がプレイできるゲームアプリ「AKB0048 AR カードダス」を発売 #AR

Released game app "AKB0048 AR Carddass" which can be played in a live production Bandai cards and smartphone, from 11/10

カードとスマホでライブ演出がプレイできるゲームアプリ「AKB0048 AR カードダス」を発売

Augmented Reality DJ Music Mash Up | 拡張現実でDJPlay!#AR

By utilising multi marker recognition Kudan have developed the worlds first mobile
based Augmented Reality DJ Music Mash Up experience.
Like what you see and want to learn more about cutting edge Augmented Reality
technology? Visit Kudan The Augmented Reality Agency


AR is the movie you know that you are getting revolutionized the retail industry | ARは小売業界に変革を起こしつつあることがわかるムービー #AR

By fitting well in simulation, extend the contact time of the item, AR fitting based services can boil the willingness to buy. Is expected to increase in the future.




Using AR technology textbooks and educational AR | ARと教育 AR技術を利用した教科書 #AR

Pleased to introduce this time is "Augmented Reality for Educational Textbooks" was tied to a textbook AR.

It can be made easy to display information in the text of the paper-based plane, the image of the tin is represented by graphs and images or time-varying three-dimensional stereoscopic difficult. However, by using an AR marker that this AR textbook it possible to display three-dimensional shapes, the shape of the target observed from various angles are possible. Video description and made using the AR as well as the principles of sonar, I will be able to get a more intuitive understanding.

So you can get a totally different interpretation depending on the viewing angle shapes, etc., it is going to be a great help in learning that the three-dimensional display viewing angle and cut using the AR.

※This blog has been reprinted from Rei-Frontier Facebook page.

今回ご紹介するのはARを教科書に結びつけたAR教科書「Augmented Reality for Educational Textbooks」です。



Web app "Layar Creator" production AR content for publishers | 出版社向けのARコンテンツ制作Webアプリ「Layar Creat」#AR

Pleased to introduce today is an app "Layar Creator" that can make the creation of content in combination Layar AR AR leading provider based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands has released a book and AR.

With this app, you will be able to create content of AR in conjunction with this easily. You can combine video linked to the page and book covers, images, links, and a buy button, to produce the AR content, the content that you create that book you have activated, point the camera of the smartphone that started the application you will be able to browse on.

Looking at the AR app like this, I feel like I've been excited and can vary up to now, is a new expression to.


※This blog has been reprinted from Rei-Frontier Facebook page.

本日ご紹介するのは、オランダのアムステルダムに拠点を置くAR大手プロバイダーのLayarがリリースした、本とARを組み合わせてARコンテンツの作成を行う事が出来るアプリ「Layar Creator」です。



AR apps linked paper | 紙面連動のARアプリ #AR

Pleased to introduce this time is AR "iSnap" type image recognition to recognize the image in conjunction with the paper.
By pointing the camera of your smartphone towards the paper, such as newspaper, I can see the image AR products and be able to play music and interviews and related to the column, leave a comment, we introduce you.

The video of the interview and would rather not have to search through all the way, huh video site is welcome


※This blog has been reprinted from Rei-Frontier Facebook page.



Favorite images and photos taken with a smartphone is the AR #AR | スマホで撮った写真や好きな画像がARに

Pleased to introduce this time is an app "PicSTAR" for smartphones that can be your own original AR is easy to create.

You can let the image emerge on the marker to read the QR code to send, select the images you have stored on your device first, automatically generated, and only through the camera holding a marker.

Also, if you save the image to PC on the market share post to Facebook, QR code marker and created this, you can enjoy the image of the AR that was created when you print.

May be a good idea to print the QR code with AR marker images that you have created, you also decorate the room like a poster.


※This blog has been reprinted from Rei-Frontier Facebook page.






AR application to support the ophthalmologist #AR | 眼科医をサポートするARアプリ

[AR application to support the ophthalmologist]

To introduce this app is an app that is used to describe the virtual eye, the mechanics of the "Ranibizumab" drug that has been developed for the treatment of diseases of the eye.

When it comes to application of AR, there are many places to see that are used, such as marketing and promotional campaign, I is being actively used in the area of ​​health care that sort of thing.

Video is the representation of the effect of the drug in that part of the dosage of the drug, blurry black in eliminating the effects of the disease. In the near future, in the School of Medicine at the University of the teaching actively using AR might have been opened.


※This blog has been reprinted from Rei-Frontier Facebook page.




AR app that can be shared and virtual Graffiti to the plane of the real world #AR | 実世界の平面に仮想ラクガキ&共有できるARアプリ

[AR app that can be shared and virtual Graffiti to the plane of the real world]

AR app you will be introduced here, is the iOS / Android app Stiktu can share and paste ラクガキ comment to the plane of the real world is a well-established technology Layar AR. Stiktu can paste text and handwriting, a sticker on the target page, such as posters and product packaging that is the pattern of the magazine on the plane.

Instead of hitting a tag for the location from the location information such as GPS, that stuck to the plane that was recognized as an image, as long as they are replicated, such as magazine pages to be scanned, or the products and posters, it is a mechanism that allows you to see through the app tags attached someone in another location.

In the near future, the date of a purchase AR see ads that are displayed throughout the city using the app like this might come.


※This blog has been reprinted from Rei-Frontier Facebook page.

今回ご紹介させていただくARアプリは、AR技術の老舗 Layar が実世界の平面にコメントやラクガキを貼りつけて共有できる iOS / Android アプリStiktu です。Stiktu は平面上のパターンつまりポスターや製品パッケージ、雑誌のページなどを対象にテキストや手書き、ステッカーを貼ることができます。

