
AR app that can be shared and virtual Graffiti to the plane of the real world #AR | 実世界の平面に仮想ラクガキ&共有できるARアプリ

[AR app that can be shared and virtual Graffiti to the plane of the real world]

AR app you will be introduced here, is the iOS / Android app Stiktu can share and paste ラクガキ comment to the plane of the real world is a well-established technology Layar AR. Stiktu can paste text and handwriting, a sticker on the target page, such as posters and product packaging that is the pattern of the magazine on the plane.

Instead of hitting a tag for the location from the location information such as GPS, that stuck to the plane that was recognized as an image, as long as they are replicated, such as magazine pages to be scanned, or the products and posters, it is a mechanism that allows you to see through the app tags attached someone in another location.

In the near future, the date of a purchase AR see ads that are displayed throughout the city using the app like this might come.


※This blog has been reprinted from Rei-Frontier Facebook page.

今回ご紹介させていただくARアプリは、AR技術の老舗 Layar が実世界の平面にコメントやラクガキを貼りつけて共有できる iOS / Android アプリStiktu です。Stiktu は平面上のパターンつまりポスターや製品パッケージ、雑誌のページなどを対象にテキストや手書き、ステッカーを貼ることができます。



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